The instrument's operation is based on the magnetic flux leakage (MFL) principle. The rope portion inside the magnetic head is magnetically saturated with strong rare earth magnets in the longitudinal direction. The magnetic field above the rope surface (flux leakage) remains uniform when the rope contains no irregularities. Coils and/or Hall Effect sensors surround the rope and pick up the signal which is of a constant value. When there are changes in ferrous cross section of the rope or broken wires occur, the magnetic field is distorted and flux leakage increases locally. These irregularities register by creating a signal in the sensors. Signals from the sensors are transmitted to an external basic unit for storage and further processing.
Inspection Speed: 0-4 m/s
Ambient Working Temp: -10 C to +50 C
Ingress Protection: IP54 or IP66
Severe Flaw: 100%
Serious Flaw: 100%
Medium Flaw: > 99%
Slight Flaw: > 95%
Below Slight Flaw: > 90%